Joyce Ferris Founder
Joyce is an entrepreneur and has spent her entire career building businesses as a founder, advisor and investor. She started the workspace business in 2007 as a way to support companies she invested in and later expanded to meet the needs of other companies. Joyce is a big believer in the value of having a supportive community environment to work in and 40West workspace was designed with that in mind. Joyce is now a Business Advisor, CFO and Coach to entrepreneurs; providing financial, strategic and organizational support. She has built, invested in, advised and coached over 30 organizations and over 50 individuals. She has over 30 years experience as a founding entrepreneur, CEO, CFO, board member and investor in multiple high growth businesses in the sustainability and impact investing sector.
Joyce is an avid salt water sailor, hiker, paddle boarder, wannabe fisherman. She is a current board member of Aircuity Inc. and Performance Systems Development and past advisor and current board member to Philadelphia Outward Bound, Good Company Ventures, E3 Bank, Triskelles Foundation and others.
Joyce graduated with a BA in History and Philosophy from Reed College (1981), MS in Energy Management and Policy from the University of Pennsylvania (1986) , and is an alumna of Teleos Leadership Institute Executive Coaching program and soon to be certified ICF coach.